October 19, 2013

State ex rel. Elvis Presley Intl. Meml. Found. v. Crowell (1987)

Overview: Elvis' Estate intervenes on behalf of defendant in case where a not-for-profit corporation (Elvis Presley Intl. Meml. Found.) was seeking to dissolve a similarly named corporation set up by the Estate (Elvis Presley Meml. Found.) and to prevent its use of Elvis' name. The case discusses the Right of Publicity as compared to the Right of Privacy, the Right of Publicity as Property and its descendibility, the defense of Laches, and the right of the Estate to intervene on behalf of the defendants.

October 18, 2013

Hoste v. Radio Corp. of America (1981)

This case features Vernon Presley, Executor of Elvis' Estate, as co-defendant.

Overview: Hoste, songwriter, seeks damages for copyright infringement, claiming Elvis performed a song almost identical to one that she wrote. Case deals with issues of summary judgment, statute of limitations, and laches defense.

October 17, 2013

Presley v. County of Nassau (1990)

Overview: Elvis' Estate sues County of Nassau et al. for recovery of proceeds from unrefunded ticket sales for a concert that was canceled because of his death.

Court grants defendants motion for summary judgment, and considers issues of abandoned and unclaimed property, finding against the Estate.

October 15, 2013

Presley v. Hanks (1989)

Deborah Presley Brando
This case, also known as the "Illegitimate Daughter Case", features Priscilla Presley, as co-executor of Elvis' Estate, as co-defendant.

Overview: Plaintiff, Deborah Delaine Presley, claiming to be the illegitimate daughter of Elvis, seeks her share of the Estate. The Court, after testimony from Priscilla et al., interprets the terms of his will as providing only for children born in wedlock.
Citation: 782 S.W.2d 482 (Tenn.Ct.App., Jul 20, 1989)

October 14, 2013

148 Investment Group v. Elvis Presley Enterprises (1995)

Overview: Plaintiffs sue Elvis Presley Enterprises for breach of contract concerning lease of gold piano for display at Graceland and profits obtained from its use in violation of contractual agreement.

United States Court of Appeals, Sixth Circuit.